We know we have a long way to go. But, based on everything we’ve researched, read and understood, we have a utopia we want to strive towards, fully aware that it will evolve as we learn more.
Our utopia would consist of decentralised “material cradles” or recycling centres at the sub-district level across India that up-cycle all types of municipal solid waste, formalise and incorporate the informal sector, and are financially sustainable, mini-manufacturing units. These would be supported by centralised “research cradles” that would be research and development centres focused on increasing the value of waste.
We Imagine That These Material Cradles Will Embody:
Sustainable Regeneration: Cradle-to-Cradle Approach
- Process all types of municipal solid waste and convert it into a high-margin resource including collection, segregation, processing and redistribution.
- Align with the principles of Cradle to Cradle, which treats waste as nutrients for further use.
- Are themselves regenerative and thriving physical structures.
Empowering Communities and Embracing Diversity
- Formalise and incorporate the informal sector, focused heavily on their overall well-being.
- Adapt to local culture and local waste profiles, while ensuring that no waste goes to landfills.
- Embody a vibrant and positive work environment where people from all castes, creeds and income levels work together.
Economic Sustainability Through Material Innovation
- Are financially sustainable mini-manufacturing units that 3D print or manufacture high-margin products made out of recycled plastics, metals and inert matter (sand).
- Use margins from high-value waste to cross-subsidise the recycling and processing of low-value waste.
- Have a dedicated monetisation team that works on extracting as much economic margin from the Material Cradle as possible.
There is potential for synergies and emergence across cradles. And this utopia will evolve as we learn and grow.
Lastly, we obviously don’t think we can do this alone. We hope to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders across the waste landscape to try and come at least close to this utopia.
If you have any pointers, opinions or other ideas, don’t hesitate to email us. We especially love those who can lovingly find holes in our work that we haven’t already found.